1.施加合规负担 Imposing a compliance burden2.半导体出口规则 semiconductor export rules3.半导体出口管制 semiconductor export controls4.全球半导体行业 the global semiconductor sector5.稳定、可预期的经营环境 a stable and predictable business environment6.泛化国家安全概念 overstretched the concept of national security8.高度全球化 highly globalized9.互利合作 mutually beneficial cooperation10.产业链供应链 industrial chain and supply chain12.新兴经济体 emerging economies13.中国发展模式 China's development model14.土耳其亚太研究中心 Turkish Center for Asia-Pacific Studies15.创新驱动发展战略 strategically prioritized innovative strategies16.区域内贸易和经济一体化 intra-regional trade and economic integration17.环境友好型生产方式 environmentally friendly production practices18.中国经济转型 China's economic transformation19.中国的发展战略 China's development strategies20.电动汽车制造商 electric vehicle producers21.高技术产业 high-tech industry22.发达经济体 developed economies24.经贸关系 Trade and Economic Relations25.互利共赢 mutual benefit and win-win26.全球地缘政治 global geopolitical28.元首外交 head of state diplomacy29.高层互访 high-level visits30.最大货物贸易伙伴地位 largest trading partners in goods32.酒精饮料 alcoholic beverages33.双向投资存量 the stock of two-way investment35.“去机遇” “de-opportunity"36.高度互补性 highly complementary37.中国超大规模市场 China's mega-market38.欧洲统一大市场 EU Single Market39.反补贴调查 an anti-subsidy investigation40.反对将经济问题政治化、意识形态化、泛安全化 oppose the politicization, ideologization and pan-securitization of economic issues41.树立正确认知,增进理解互信 develop a right perception of each other, promote mutual understanding and trust42.“回升向好” on a positive trajectory44.国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics45.国民经济运行 national economic performance46.四大宏观指标 Four key macroeconomic indicators47.增长、就业、通胀、国际收支 GDP namely GDP, unemployment rate, inflation rate and balance of payments48.固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets49.居民人均可支配收入 the per capita disposable income of residents50.市场经济原则 the principles of market economy51.全球分工 global division of labor52.优质产能 high-quality capacity53.政府补贴 government subsidies54.产供链 industrial and supply chains55.国际化、市场化、法治化 world-class, market-oriented and law-based environment56.中国进出口商品交易会 China import and Export Fair57.经济全球化 economic globalization58.扩大开放 expand opening-up60.中国进出口商品交易会 China import and Export Fair61.晴雨表和风向标 barometer and bellwether63.中国高水平对外开放 China’s high-standard opening up64.中国高新技术企业 Chinese hi-tech firms65.创新产品 innovative products66.新质生产力 new quality productive forces67.合作共赢的“金纽带” golden bridges for win-win cooperation68.商品和要素流动型 flow of goods and production factors1.核准追诉 Approval of the prosecution2.未成年犯罪嫌疑人 juvenile suspects3.检察机关 procuratorial authorities4.最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate5.情节恶劣 heinous nature of the crime6.初一学生 a first-year junior high school student7.刑事责任 criminally responsible8.法律监督职责 legal supervision duties9.未成年人犯罪预防和治理力度 prevent and address juvenile delinquency10.国防教育法修订草案 Draft revision to the Law on National Defense Education11.国家安全 national security12.国防意识 awareness of national defense1.中国网络视听发展研究报告 Annual report on China's internet audiovisual service development2.互联网普及率 internet penetration rate5.人工智能赋能教育行动 AI campaign to empower education6.智慧教育平台 smart education platform8.终身教育平台 Lifelong education platform9.国家老年大学 The Seniors University of China10.AI赋能终身学习 AI-enabled lifelong learning11.大学生阅读分享活动 Reading and sharing event among college students12.世界读书日 World Book and Copyright Day13.世界图书之都 World Book Capital14.医疗救助 Medical assistance15.医疗保障体系 healthcare security system16.基本医疗卫生服务 basic medical and health services17.医保药品目录 Catalog of medicines covered by medical insurance18.基本医保基金 basic medical insurance fund19.跨省异地就医直接结算 direct settlements of cross-provincial medical bills1.精诚团结 Unite in good faith2.雅万高铁 the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway3.战略高度和长远角度 a strategic and long-term perspective4.战略自主 strategic independence5.互信互助 mutual trust and mutual assistance6.合作共赢 win-win cooperation7.公平正义 fairness and justice8.发展中大国和新兴市场国家代表 representatives of major developing countries and emerging markets9.南南合作 South-South cooperation10.“两国双园” the construction of the "Two Countries, Twin Parks"11.“区域综合经济走廊” the Regional Comprehensive Economic Corridor12.团结、友谊、合作的万隆精神 the Bandung spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation13.中国-东盟命运共同体 a China-ASEAN community with a shared future14以和为贵 Peace must be valued15.坐视不管 sit back and watch16.不能不来往、不打交道 should not cut off their ties or turn their back on each other17.以稳为重,不折腾、不挑事、不越界 stability must be prioritized. The two sides should refrain from setting the relationship back, provoking incident or crossing the line18.以信为本 credibility must be upheld19.“评头论足” point fingers at20.实现发展振兴 pursuing development and revitalization23.不针对第三方 not targeting any third party24.永久睦邻友好 lasting good-neighborliness and friendship25.全面战略协作 comprehensive strategic coordination26.元首外交 heads-of-state diplomacy27.平等有序的世界多极化 an equal and orderly multipolar world28.国际关系民主化 greater democracy in international relations29.单边主义和霸权行径 unilateralism and hegemonism32.事实胜于雄辩 Facts speak louder than words33.“严正交涉” serious representations35.电动汽车 electric vehicles36.歧视性措施 discriminatory actions40.市场原则 market principles41.中国企业合法权益 the lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies42.合作共赢的空间 the space for mutually beneficial cooperation43.发展红利 development dividends44.“历史殷鉴不远,棋子终将成为弃子” Recent history tells us that eventually pawns will easily be abandoned46.战略安全和利益 strategic security and interests47.高层交往密切 frequent high-level exchanges48.务实合作 practical cooperation49.中德全方位战略伙伴关系China-Germany comprehensive strategic partnership52.粮食安全保障能力 capacity-building on food security53.粮食自给自足能力 ability to achieve food self-sufficiency54.中非友好互利合作 China-Africa friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation55.可再生能源 renewable energy56.节能减排 energy conservation and emissions reduction57.能源转型 energy transition58.绿色、低碳、高质量发展 develop in a green, low-carbon and high-quality way59.“一线共襄,千里同好” shared by all and benefits all60.新的动荡变革期 a new period of instability and transformation61.总体国家安全观 A holistic approach to national security62.双多边安全交流合作 bilateral and multilateral security exchanges and cooperation63.全球安全治理体系 global security governance system64.龙头项目 a pioneering project65.中老铁路 China-Laos Railway66.战略意义 strategic significance67.谋求一己私利 seeking selfish gains68.拱火浇油 adding fuel to the fire69.全方位战略伙伴关系 the all-round strategic partnership70.国际形势 international landscape71.大国合作major-country cooperation72.人类文明 human civilization73.根本利益冲突 clashing fundamental interests75.战略互信 strategic mutual trust76.深度互嵌 deeply intertwined77.高度依存 highly interdependent80.人工智能 artificial intelligence82.光伏产品 photovoltaic products83.自由贸易和经济全球化 free trade and economic globalization84.“贼喊捉贼” a double standard85.“谨言慎行” be prudent in its words and deeds86.客观、辩证、理性看待 an objective, dialectical and rational perspective87.经济规律 laws of economics88.中国的新能源产业优势 China’s leading edge in new energy90.充分的市场竞争 full-on market competition92.霸权思维 hegemonic mindset93.中国钢铁行业 China’s steel sector95.没有任何刺激出口的补贴政策 no export-oriented subsidies96.歧视性补贴 discriminatory subsidies97.滥用出口管制措施 abuses export controls98.“非市场行为” “non-market practices”99.“天经地义、光明正大” Simply natural, fully justified and always done above-board100.战略高度 strategic height101.高层交往 high-level exchanges102.自贸协定谈判 negotiations on a free trade agreement103.农林渔业 agriculture, forestry and fishery106.自主发展 independent development108.信息通信 telecommunications109.农产品贸易 agricultural trade110.友好合作 friendly cooperation112.政治条件 political strings113.“空头支票” empty promises114.“抹黑甩锅” smear others and shift the blame115.“患难与共” sharing weal and woe117.乌克兰问题 the Ukraine issue118.欧洲安全框架 European security architecture119.中柬命运共同体 the China-Cambodia community with a shared future120.新型国际关系 a new type of international relations121.战略共识 strategic consensus122.“钻石六边”合作架构“diamond hexagon” bilateral cooperation framework123.“工业发展走廊” the “industrial development corridor”124.“鱼米走廊”“fish and rice corridor”125.无中生有、恶意诋毁 a groundless accusation and malicious smear126.一以贯之 always been consistent127.中国的主权、安全、发展利益 China's sovereignty, security, and development interests128.中方的红线 China's red lines129.中美关系 China-U.S. relations130.相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢原则 the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation131.“旧金山愿景” San Francisco vision132.正当发展权利 legitimate development rights134.国际合作 international cooperation136.解铃还需系铃人 “Let the person who tied the bell on the tiger take it off.”138.自相矛盾 self-contradictory139.坦诚、实质性、建设性的 candid, substantive and constructive140.两军交往 mil-to-mil communication141.禁毒、气变、人工智能合作 cooperation in counternarcotics, climate change and AI142.人文交流 people-to-people exchanges143.国际地区热点问题 international and regional hotspots144.无端指责 unwarranted accusations145.严正交涉 serious representations146.双边关系 bilateral relations149.趁机渔利 seek selfish gains150.甩锅推责 being the scapegoat1.民用载人飞艇 Civil manned airship2.科技自立自强 self-reliance and strength in science and technology3.关键核心技术 core technologies in key fields4.世界科技强国 world leader in science and technology6.电磁场 electromagnetic field7.量子纠缠 quantum entanglement8.储供能装置 energy storage and supply devices9.无人驾驶载人航空器 Passenger-carrying autonomous aerial vehicle10.电动垂直起降 electric vertical takeoff and landing11.低空经济 low-altitude economy12.新型智能纤维 New type of smart fiber15.快速射电暴 Fast radio bursts16.500米口径球面射电望远镜 Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST)18.再生资源回收利用网络体系 National network for the efficient recycling of renewable resources19.消费品以旧换新 trade-in of old consumer goods20.深加工基地 deep-processing factory bases21.商业航天产业 Commercial space industry22.战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging industries23.新增长引擎 new growth engine24.高精度月球地质图集 High-definition lunar geologic atlas25.嫦娥探月工程 Chang'e lunar exploration program26.月球科研站 lunar research station1.生态保护补偿条例 Regulations governing ecological protection compensation3.生态修复 ecological restoration4.环保产业 environmental protection sector1.西太平洋海军论坛 Western Pacific Naval Symposium2.海洋命运共同体 maritime community with shared future3.全球海洋治理 global maritime governance4.港珠澳大桥 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge6.粤港澳大湾区 the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area7.联合国教科文组织—赤道几内亚国际生命科学研究奖 UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences以上热词由译介编辑团队整理来源:新华网、中国日报网·英语点津、外交部网站、ChinaDaily我们专注于多语言文档翻译、会议口译、排版(DTP)以及翻译技能指导与人才招聘服务。在法律、智能制造、IT通讯、医药等领域,我们遵循严格规范的作业流程,积累了数百家全球各行业领军企业的服务经验。